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Aker BioMarine treasures openness and transparency to maintain a corporate culture in which people deliver excellent results in a responsible manner. 

Integrity channel 

Aker BioMarine has established an integrity channel to better enable employees and others to seek advice and without fear of retaliation raise concerns or report instances of improper activities or misconduct, potential non-compliance with our Code of Conduct, other corporate policies, laws and regulations. Such improper activities or misconduct may include HSE violations, harassment, insider trading, money laundering, fraud, bribery and kick-back arrangements, or other breaches of Aker BioMarine’s Code of Conduct. 

When raising a concern through the integrity channel, you may remain anonymous, and if you elect to do so, your anonymity will be guaranteed throughout the process of dealing with the concern raised by you.  

For submitting a report through Aker BioMarine’s integrity channel, please click here 

Aker BioMarine’s corporate procedure for the integrity channel can be found here.