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Investor Relations policy

Aker BioMarine’s investor relations (IR) policy sets the basic principles for the company’s communication and dialogue with capital markets participants. Aker BioMarine aims to serve the financial market with relevant, comprehensive and timely information about the company, to form a good basis for making decisions related to valuation and trade of the Aker BioMarine share. The company seeks to engage in an open and continuous dialogue with the financial market.

Aker BioMarine’s IR activities are conducted in compliance with prevailing rules and regulations, including the latest version of Oslo Børs’ Code of Practice for IR. 

Aker BioMarine shall ensure equal treatment of financial market participants and equal opportunities to access relevant information. The main communication channels are stock exchange releases, press releases and the company's website.

Aker BioMarine publishes financial results on a quarterly basis according to its financial calendar which is published annually on the company’s website and to the Oslo Stock Exchange.

Members of the executive management participate actively in dialogue with the financial market, while daily communication is handled by Investor Relations. The dialogue with the market takes form primarily through annual reports, quarterly reports, meetings with investors and analysts, participation in important financial industry conferences, and capital markets events organized by Aker BioMarine, and use of the company's website.

All information will be provided in English.

Aker BioMarine shall observe a silent period about three weeks prior to the publishing of quarterly financial results. Aker BioMarine does not attend any investor- or analyst meetings, or financial conferences during these periods.