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The story of Aker BioMarine in 8 minutes

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By 2050 the population of the world will have grown to 9.7 billion people, which requires an increased food production of 69 percent. 
In the video below, Dr. Andreas Berg Storsve tells the story of why he, and the rest of us, are in trouble - and how Aker BioMarine can contribute.

 "By 2050 we will have used twice over in year the amount of renewable resources that we have on planet earth, as well as a big increase in people suffering from lifestyle diseases."
70% of the earth is covered by ocean, but only 2% of our food consuption today comes from it. We have to change that if we are going to meet the demands of the population of the future. We have to look for solutions in the ocean.
Learn more in the video above from Dr. Andreas Berg Storsve's keynote at the major conference Nor-Shipping 2017.
Aker Biomarine Annual Report 2020